Virginia Adventures IX - Takeoff in T-???

Since my last post, so much has happened that it's been hard to keep up.

Let me explain.  No, that'll take to long; let me sum up:

  • We have an agreement to sell our Amity house to some lovely folks from Arizona.  They are set to take possession January 5th, 2022.
  • We had an appraisal on December 8th, which went quite well, HOWEVER;
  • The appraiser said that we live on a private road, which is incorrect.  We live on a publicly owned privately maintained road, which is a whole different beast.  Normally this wouldn't be an issue, HOWEVER;
  • The buyers are getting a VA loan, and they require that the road either be publicly owned, or there be a maintenance agreement among the owners in place so that the road will be maintained to county standards. Because we are incorrectly listed as being on a private road, and there is no maintenance agreement, it threw the whole transaction into jeopardy!
The effect of all this is: we were set to close on December 22 (tomorrow) and that won't happen because we can't get ahold of the appraiser (actually we are FORBIDDEN to talk to the appraiser) to get him to change the road from private to publicly owned. It is the hope of everyone involved (especially the buyers, who have sold their home and need to be in here on January 5th) that it will all be resolved on December 28th. Nonetheless, this is all much more complicated than a transaction should be.

The Murder Hobo at rest

We are also having issues getting ourselves ready to go, as we had expected a pool of money to work with on Wednesday, and that's been pushed off, so we're having to push off things: old bills to pay, shipping costs, maintenance work on the vehicles, etc.  

It's making it all very stressful.

On the plus side, I've gotten to see folks and say farewell, and that's been good. I was able to go visit my ritual friends over the 11th (which I've not done in over a year), and that was deeply refreshing. I was able to lay down the gavel at Union Lodge #3, and the brothers moved me to tears by honoring me as Past Master. I wish I could say I enjoyed my time as Worshipful Master, but with the pandemic I feel I did the best I could, and it was inadequate to the situation. I hope the next WM can bring everyone together.

It's all coming together.

I'm not sure how much I'll be posting after Christmas, or at all until I return to a solid footing on January 9th, 2022 in Buffalo Junction, VA. I'm going to try to do something new for the trip, I might try Instagraming video as I drive.  That'll depend on if I can get one of those dash cameras before we leave.

So, watch FB and Instagram for more updates, and if I haven't gotten to say farewell in person, let me say it here. Have a Merry Christmas, a Happy New Year, Happy Holidays, and we'll talk more when next we meet.


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