Day 24: Resting, and upcoming plans.

On Day 23, I did manage to meditate, but writing was not in the cards.

This making myself stop and take time to relax is hard. 9 hour work days, child care, dinner prep, etc. make things tough. I have no idea how single parents do it.

We've been without internet for 3 days now, which is a mixed blessing. I've done a bit more around the house, got some packing done which is good. I've been out walking twice this week, and the second time was easier and of longer duration than the first. Today, I may take the goats and sheep out for a walk as well.  We'll have to see what happens.

The service provider will be up tomorrow morning to check the internet. It doesn't seem to be an issue on our end. We'll see.

I've given up on reading the Hugo nominees. I'm not that interested. I may come back to them later, but right now there's just too many other things on the plate. Perhaps I should buy a supporting WorldCon membership, and get the voters packet, which has electronic copies of all of the books.

Speaking of books, I have in my hands the first draft of The Illuminated Circle 4: Scorpio Angels. We're looking at a July release date if all goes well. If you don't know what I'm talking about, you can find the Illuminated Circle 1-3 here. Once I figure out how to set up pre-orders, I'll do so for IC4.

These angel books are a wonderful stretch for me. I generally do business, code, and technical writing, so I sometimes feel in a rut, and my own personal writing seems too straightforward and businesslike. Encountering non-corporeal phenomena helps keep one's writing from becoming too grounded. There's a time for straightforward, a time for off the wall symbolism and deep diving Jungian weirdness.

In many ways, I feel like things are on hold, which is not restful. Yet, that fallow period of being on hold is a time of preparation, of making sure the foundation is laid for a new home base. I have big plans for that base, and getting it laid down correctly is of major importance.

Just so my readers are prepared, the week of June 1-6 is probably going to be a light posting week. If all goes well, that will be moving week.


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