Welcome the Light

We have just begun our celebration of the Easter Season. Easter Sunday and the First Sunday after Easter have both passed. The light has descended into the darkness, and the darkness comprehendeth it not. And the Light returns, bringing the knowledge, the Gnosis, the Logos, that death has no sting, that hell hath no fury, that we are eternal and connected and that nothing can separate us from our God if we could only turn our eyes away from bright, distracting Abraxsas.

As Johannites, we affirm that every being contains a Divine spark, a Sacred Flame, within them. We also affirm that Gnosis is the self-knowledge of that spark. Because this is the Easter season, we have been made abundantly aware of this spark.

During the Homily at Mass on Sunday, we did a meditation on the Light. We watched the Sacred Flame on the altar, and we imagined, we felt, we reached for, that Divine Spark in our own hearts. We joined it to the light on the altar, to the light of the Divine in heaven above, and to the lights shining in the people around us. We concentrated on our spark reaching out and touching the sparks of the others present, and those not present whom we cared about. We reached out with our spirits, and imagined the Kingdom of Heaven, and made real, realized, the concept of there not being a separation between us.

The Eucharist, after that meditation, was particularly poignant, and we felt the presence of the Christ, as I imagine the apostles felt it after the Resurrection. Truly, we were transformed.

The Eucharist never ends! Let the thanksgiving continue, let the light so shine!


Jay Clark said…
Woo Father! You are getting me excited! Great stuff.

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