Ecce Panis Angelorum

Today, I was fortunate enough to attend the Eucharist at St. Louis Cathedral in Jackson Square. I heard the sermon by the Archbishop, who spoke about Pope Francis I, and his former life as Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio. He also referred to the Eucharist as 'The Mysteries' several times, and I was pleased with his Pagan Formulations.

Behind the altar, an ornate tabernacle was contained between two pillars with a piedment on top, and the piedment said "Ecce Panis Angelorum", "Behold the Bread of the Angels".

I'm afraid the picture wasn't very clear, but it's written right under the triangular part at the top.

In any case, the image of it sent me into a meditation on the House of Sacrifice.

The entrance to the house has two pillars: Sarx and Pneuma, Corpus and Anima, Body and Breath. These columns support the piedment of the Supernal Virtues: Dike, Eleos, and Kudos; Jusiticia, Clementia, Gloria; Justice, Mercy, and Glory. That meditation took me all the way through mass, and there was only a pang of remorse that I could not take communion.

I thought of those two phrases during communion: Ecce Panis Angelorum, and Jusiticia, Clementia, Gloria. The bread of the Angels, being Justice, Mercy, and Glory.

It was a wonderful experience, and I was glad to have been there. Such a beautiful building, with so much history. I don't remember when it was built, but I remember it was a year that started with 17, so it's quite old.


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