Knowledge and Conversation
One cannot achieve the Knowledge and Conversation of the Holy Guardian Angel by blindly following the procedures outlined in a book. ... While I certainly do not wish to downplay the importance of [The book fo Abremelin or Liber Samekh ], I must voice my belief that most successful invocations of the H.G.A. are executed by individuals who have not perfomred either of the above rituals. Indeed, I would go so far as to say most K of C'ers have never heard the word Hermeticism, nor would they consider themselves aspirants, initiates, or magicians. Why is the success rate so high among these "non-professional" mystics? Is the macrocosm prejudiced against those of us who study the spiritual road map before starting the trip? In a way, yes, but not because we are too rational or analytical, but because all too often we aren't romantic enough. ... It toes not take a scholar to fall desperately in love. To generate the heat necessary to separate the spirituous earth f...