Vatican to release Templar Docs

Translated Via Google from Spanish, so the English isn't quite right. I think you can get the gist. The letter is from the OSTMJ, the Sovereign and Military order of the Temple of Jerusalem.

The Templar Mystery monopolizes attention before the judgment that will reveal the Vatican

Thursday 4 of October of 2007

EFE ROME. - The mysteries that accompany at their service by the Temple and to their dissolution, after a judgment, whose content will reveal the Vatican next the 25 of October, monopolize the attention in Italy today where it has become reason for conference and publishing new features.

The announcement that made yesterday the Vatican of the publication of an unpublished volume on the “Processus against templarios”, with acts of the process of the Inquisicion against this order, at the beginning of century XIV, has given back protagonism to the investigations on the Horsemen of the Temple.

Next the 13 of October, when the seventh centenary of the process is marked, the locality of Soveria Mannelli, in sureña region of Calabria, will welcome a congress where understood historians and will expose the advances in their investigations on this order.

The medieval historian Franco Cardini, who will participate in the presentation of the 799 faithfuls and exclusive rights reproductions of acts of the process, will also publish these days the book “tradizione will warm up” (the Templar tradition).

Cardini explained to the metropolitan newspaper that the limited edition of the volume “contains last documents published on the subject, with the original parchment”, that an investigator of the Vatican Secret Archives found in 2001.

It explained that “the prerogative of the Pope (Clement V) was the one to dissolve the order, but never condemned it” and added that the document on which the volume is based, the “Foglio I gave Chinon”, “attests that the Pontiff did not consider it heretical”.

It added that the sentences by heresy of the time “are based on the confessions of some templars, of which later were retracted”.

Cardini needed that, by that reason, it considered reincidentes them “in the error by which process and they had been condemned”.

Cabinet of Communication
Great Priorato of Spain
Skillful Priorato of the OSMTJ


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