First Celebration of St. Gabriel's Parish

I wanted to invite you to the first public mass of the Parish of St. Gabriel in Madison, WI. We will be celebrating the feast of St. John the Baptist. St. John is an important saint for the Apostolic Johannite Church(, for the account of the descent of the Holy Spirit upon Jesus the Christ is one of the most powerful examples of Gnosis in the Bible.

Please join us for our inaugural celebration!

Date: Saturday, June 24th, 2006
Time: 7:00 PM
Location: Gates of Heaven Synagogue, Madison, WI Map:
Fellowship: We’ll be arriving at the park at 4:00 pm, and having a potluck barbeque. Please RSVP if you’ll be attending the fellowship, and whether you’ll be taking communion. All that is required for receiving communion is a respect for the sacrament.

Thanks for your time, and hope to see you there.

-Rev. Deacon Scott Rassbach
Apostolic Johannite Church
Nonne melius est comedere et bibere et ostendere animae suae bona de laboribus suis et hoc de manu Dei est


Don Wyeth said…
Dear Rev. Father,
I have been serching for a Gnosic church and am hoping that you still exist. What is your schedule of services and meetings? Donald Wyeth
Hello Mr. Wyeth,

I tried to reply to your email, but it bounced back. Do you have another address, maybe gmail or yahoo?

I would be happy to email you the schedule for services and meetings, but I really don't want to post the location on the internet.


-Fr. Scott
Don Wyeth said…
Dear Reverend Father,
I have sent you an e-mail giving you a new yahoo address: I'm not sure why the other address is not reachable. I look forward to receiving your service schedule. In L.V.X.
Donald Wyeth

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