
Right now, I'm taking a break from our activities to write a quick summary of the Conclave so far. This has been a great event, and I've enjoyed just about every minute of it.

Thursday, we went up into the mountains, and had a great time. I'm from Wisconsin, so we don't see mountains much. It's amazing that big piles of rock can be so impressive. Later that evening, we had our Maundy Thursday service, and it too was impressive. The Patriarch was in great form, and I felt it was a very good service. Also during the service, the patriarch blessed oils for use as Chrism in the various rituals of the church, and ordained me in the minor orders (Doorkeeper, Reader, Exorcist, and Acolyte) Then, Thursday night, we had a Seder meal, which was delicious. Our hosts cooked a wonderful salmon meal, and the wine flowed freely.

Friday, we did a little sight-seeing around Calgary, and then returned to Kenosis's house. The Friary met in it's Grand Session, and we had some fun announcements there. After that, we had a Tenebrae service. It was solemn, and I really felt it captured the spirit of the season well. The slow extinguishing of candles, everyone filing out of the church in silence, it was moving.

Today, we'll do some more sight-seeing, and then we have our Easter Vigil. I am to be ordained a Deacon at that time, the first of the Major Orders. I'm excited, and nervous, and a whole host of other things.

However, the Conclave has not been all wonderful. I was truly looking forward to meeting Mar Calixto from Spain, and Father Jordan from Victoria. Unfortunately, they couldn't make it. I hope they are doing well, and wish them all the best this Easter season. They are in my thoughts.

I'll be back to Madison on Tuesday, and may post again before then.


Fr. Troy Pierce said…
Congratulations on your ordination! I look forward to hearing of your continued ministry. Blessings on your path.

Your brother in Gnosis,

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