Welcome Bro:. Spartacus & Bro:. Widow's Son

I've got a link to them on my blog, finally. Head on over, read some good stuff.


It almost describes one of our priests, the fellow I am thinking of however, was ordained by me and it was only in the last 2 years -none of our people have given talks in Utah that I know of- ever (and I'm the guy that keeps the records).

A gentleman that I had corresponded with a few years ago spoke about a preacher that was talking Johannine / Johannite Christianity and was a member of a breakaway mormon sect.

He inquired if this man was with us but he wasn't.

I'd have to dig through years of old correspondence to fish out the name of the minister specifically though.

+ Mar Iohannes IV
The Apostolic Johannite Church
Widow's Son said…
Thanks for the welcome and the link, Brother Scott.

The Widow's Son
The Burning Taper
To answer your question, P_M, I am a member of the Apostolic Johannite Church (www.johannite.org) and am pursuing ordination under the guidance of Mar Iohannes.

Unfortunately, I don't know the fellow you're talking about, but Wisconsin is big. I'll keep an eye out for him.

Mar is Syriac for Master and is a prefix given to many Bishops in Eastern traditions.

Our usage of the prefix extends from two primary reasons-

To emphasize the Johannite tradition/mythos as being eastern in origin and to distinguish it from the many other Gnostic Churches which make use of Doinel's 'Tau' prefix from the French Gnostic Revival.

A third and oft unmentioned reason is that we view our clergy, especially our Bishops, as teachers, guides and facilitators, rather than ecclesiastical 'princes' etc and the Mar, I would like to think, helps reflect this role.

Thanks for your questions, I'll check out your blog in the days to come.

+ Mar Iohannes

Yes, I serve as Patriarch of the AJC

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