Community in Gnosticism
A lot is made of Gnosticism as an individual path. The individual must attain Gnosis, and since it is primarily an individual quest, that's where the primary emphasis should be. But I've been thinking a lot about community. As we all begin to take our individual paths, which we alone must walk, we start to separate from those who disagree. And thus, we begin to move into schism, antagonism, and duality. "I'm different than you because..." Because why? Because I use Roman Catholic Rituals and you use Greek? Or I find Oberon to be more meaningful as the bearer of Gnosis than Sophia? Isn't that ... kinda dumb? In thinking about this, I'm reminded of the eminently reasonable suggestion of the Moravian Church : "In essentials, unity; in nonessentials, liberty; and in all things, love." The Moravians have a Covenant of Christian Living , which states: We will be eager to maintain the unity of the Church. Realizing that God has called us from man...