The Masonic Egregore

A reasonable summary of the concept of the "Egregore" can be found at the following link:

My question is this:

Does anyone share my feeling that Freemasonry has an egregore that is fed by performing its ritual, regardless of the intent of the ritualists? In other words, for those of us that are inclined to find a truly deeper spiritual aspect of our Craft, is there truly a "house not made with hands" that is sustained by the many who regularly perform the ritual, but which - at least on a certain level - is only accessible to those "with eyes to see"?

Many people are attracted to Masonry looking for a deeper level of spirituality than they can find in daily life, or in a merely personal, individual search. For many, contemporary Freemasonry is a disappointment in this regard. Yet the power of its symbols & rituals are undeniable.

I, however, feel that Freemasonry has an inherent "built in" spiritual aspect that - while ignored by the larger portion of the membership of the Craft - can and should be accesible to those who are seeking that deeper level. I also feel that the ritual was designed - either byconscious design or unconscious inspiration - to provide many levels of fulfilment to Brethren participating for different reasons. One of these reasons - accepted (if not necessarily acted upon) more in previous Masonic generations - is to fulfil a spiritual quest for Light and initiatory development.

In addressing the concept of the egregore, my feeling is that Masonry - regardless of the interests of the other Brethren one has direct personal contact with in a lodge meeting - can, in its regular functions, provide an environment for this quest and development. The Opening of the Lodge awakens the egregore, if not every Mason. And the Brother who is looking for it, CAN find it in a lodge meeting.

Of course, it's not an easy - nor necessarily a safe - topic to broach during a collation. But we have groups like this one to discuss it. And, as younger seekers join our ranks (by the Will of the GAOTU), hopefully the lodges will grow to better reflect the spirit it builds.

-From Bro:. Eric


I find that Freemasonry has especially delicious cookies, often pie, and sometimes a nice sandwich if there was a 3rd degree performed that night.

I don't know if that is 'egregore' or not, but it sure tastes good!
Jeff said…
I've been studying egregores, and I do think Masonry has one, if sometimes perhaps in dormant "seed" form.

I have written about it, or more particularly, books that mention it, a few times on my masonic blog. This is one of the main focuses of my studies into ancient ritual.

Good to hear other people are considering it.
Anonymous said…
Greetings. I agree with you. I was attracted to Freemasonry in part because of this very thing. Reactions from some in my experience have been mixed - indifferent to down right hostile - when speaking of deeper spiritual and esoteric aspects of Freemasonry and related possibilities for spiritual (and by extension, social) betterment. One Brother (obviously not speaking for all Masons)told me that Masonry was about "good works" and brotherhood, and that a personal quest for spiritual enlightenment (even in a non-religious sense, couched in Masonic symbol and imagery)was contrary to Masonic "purpose" and self-centered in nature.
Dear brother, we miss your posts. Fraternal regards from Mendoza awaiting for updates and news from your masonic works.

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