A Big Deal

Ron Bonjean, spokesman for House Speaker Dennis Hastert, R-Ill., responded: "How many officers would have to be punched before it becomes a big deal?"

This is, perhaps, the most asinine thing to ever come out of Congress. That's saying a lot.

The easy retort to this is "How many people does the vice president half to shoot before it becomes a big deal?" His lifethreatening accident ends up with a man in the hospital, but no charges against the VP. A slap to a police officer, however, could merit a felony.

Seems fair.

Why do congress people get a free pass anyway? Isn't it possible one of them could bring a gun into the office?

This shouldn't be a big deal anyway. She should have apologized to the officer, and that would have been that. So many of these 'offenses' could be solved with some simple politeness.


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